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Geo Asool Documents in PDF


Geo Manifesto - Draft
Best Practices - Draft
TeamGEO Handbook - Draft
Monitoring & Implemenatation- Draft
Recommendations for Industry Body- Draft
All Geo Asool Documents - Draft


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What People Say

Sharjeel Memon (Leader, PPP)
In my view a code of conduct is imperative for showing content to the general public; what they have and what will be its impact.
Raja Riaz (Opposition Leader, Punjab Assembly)
It is a good step. When GEO will practice it other media groups will certainly learn a lesson and they will also try to apply it.
Samina Khawar Hayat (Member PML-Q)
GEO practices as it says, ‘GEO Tou Aisay!’. I appreciate it.
Rana Arshad (MPA, PML-N)
GEO's effort will bring improvement in journalism and transparency will prevail because everything follows principles.
Zaheeruddin (Paliamentary Leader, PML-Q
It is a good endeavour and need of the moment. GEO has taken the right step forward.
Nazeer Naji (Columnist & Analyst)
It was a long-awaited need. It is a good initiative by GEO. GEO is the founder and it is the duty of big institutions to show the way. I appreciate you all because you fulfilled this need.
Shahbaz Sharif (Chief Minister, Punjab)
I appreciate GEO for creating this “Asool” and thank GEO and its members for adopting a unique idea which is worth commendable. It is an important and positive step and I hope more people will come forward.
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Geo Asool - Geo Television Network