Frequently Asked Questions |
1. What is GEO Asool?
a. GEO Asool is a set of draft self regulation guidelines
that will be adopted on 14th August. These guidelines are
a form of social contract with you, the viewer, our ultimate
2. What was the need for GEO Asool?
a. Trust is a precious value and asset. Most in the country
have valued the emergence of independent media and consider
it to be a positive check on authoritarian tendencies in
the government and other actors of the state as well as
members of the public at large. However recently the trust
has been shaken somewhat. We feel that the media and the
judiciary are both working as change agents and thus are
an obstacle for those status quo agents who are more interested
in protecting the past than the future. Media accesses are
responsible as well but many are also by design trying to
destroy the credibility of the media. In this context and
background many are looking up to us to be industry leaders
and take an initiative as we have a 60 year journalism legacy
and we can afford certain truths and pains.
The media's role in informing, educating and entertaining
brings with it a huge responsibility. Freedom is not license.
The social contract between media and its consumers however
has been unwritten….until now.
3. Why are you making these public?
a. We believe that by making the GEO Asool documents public
binds us to them. Pressure from civil society will help
us follow our chosen path and balance freedom with responsibility.
Also it is important to manage expectations of the customer
and in this case GEO Asool helps declare our biases and
our values as well as our commitments. We will be relying
on the public to give us feedback based on our own declared
principles and promises, as that kind of consciousness is
more effective than any other kind. We also believe that
making this documents public will help our industry at large.
A better media will lead to a better Pakistan.
4. Who made it?
a. GEO Asool
documents have been edited and created using some
of the best minds in the profession who openly debated,
argued and deliberated on the principles that would bind
us and keep us on the right path. A committee of reporters,
senior editors, hosts and members of our group's editorial
and management team vetted seven different codes of conduct
from reputable media and regulatory bodies across the world.
International and local experts have also given their input
to parts of the documents. Acknowledgements
5. GEO is not a neutral channel on many issues,
so how will you manage your agendas against GEO Asool?
a. GEO Asool does have sections that
promise our attempt to be neutral (for example between male
vs. female, ethnicities etc). However, it is not always
easy to be neutral or unbiased on every issue. For example
can one be fully neutral towards a terrorist who has tried
to kill innocent people, or a kidnaper or rapist? Though
not all issues are that extreme GEO does have certain agendas.
But we believe having agenda's is not a bad thing and in
fact all organizations and individuals have goals and ambitions.
What is different about GEO Asool is that we have for the
first time declared our agendas and biases. For example
after several debates and discussions we came to the conclusion
that judiciary is the most important institution in the
interest of Pakistan. This value alone has created 'losses'
worth several billion rupees. However we believe it is in
our larger selfish industry interest as well because independent
judiciary ensures an independent media and also protects
democracy in the long run. We believe that as long as we
have declared our biases to the viewer, he or she is not
being mislead and or unduly influenced. We promise to declare
all relevant and important biases to the viewer as well
as areas where we promise to be neutral.
6. How will you hold people accountable if they
deviate from GEO Asool?
The Editorial Committee Chairman, will function like an
Ombudsman. The Editorial Committee will include Director
News, Managing Director, CEO, President and Chairman or
his representative. The Editorial Committee Head will recommend
the following punitive measures when GEO Asool is violated.
The alleged violator will be given a fair chance for explanation
and can bring up to two additional people to give a particular
point of view. Video Conference or audio conference will
be used where needed for these sessions which will routinely
be done once a week and at anytime for an emergency.
1) Call for explanation/inquiry (this can be done solely
on the authority of Chairman EC, or at the request of
two of the committee members)
2) Issuing Apology (this can be done through recommendation
of Chairman and 1 member of the committee)
3) Issuing Fine (this can be done through recommendation
of Chairman and 2 members of the committee)
4) Suspension of person Involved (this can be done through
recommendation of Chairman and majority vote of the committee)
5) Firing (this can be done through consensus of the members
of the committee)
Level 5 penalty will apply to extreme violations or repeat
of severe violations or repeat of level 3-4 violations.
Level 5 includes but is not limited to violations of GEO
Asool that incite violence, promote dictatorship as an agenda,
involve accepting of money or favors to propagate a particular
point of view or person, blackmailing and extortion.
7. GEO has several big names anchors and hosts
that do not susbscribe to principles and are hypocrites yet
are powerful people when it comes to revenue and ratings.
How will GEO take action against these people when they deviate
from GEO Asool?
a. GEO Asool does have several areas that one can call
declared agenda's or positive biases. However mostly GEO
Asool is about the don't, and especially related to areas
where we may cause harm using the medium and message. As
long as our anchors and hosts and others are not causing
harm to others and are within the constraints of tolerance
(Geo Aur Geenaydo), more or less they are free to have their
own opinions. However as per Geo Asool we will make sure
that distinction between opinions and facts is cleared and
variety of opinion is given ( Geo Asool – Opinion). It
is also important to give benefit of the doubt to people.
Public figures sometimes are open to more criticism than
others and some of that maybe unwarranted. It is best to
not take someone as face value and not worry about who is
saying something, but what they are saying.
8. How will this affect the industry?
a. There are three types of regulations. One is the obvious
government sponsored regulation. This form will always throw
the baby with the bath water. Government regulation has
a huge conflict of interest since it will always protect
itself and its rule. The Government has too much incentive
to influence the media and reduce criticism and embargo
the truth. The other form of regulations are independent
and self regulation. Self regulation is a good start since
it allows you to lay down your own rules that are declared
and that society can judge you against and also hold you
responsible for through pressure groups and feedback. An
independent ombudsman on top of the self declared codes
can help even further. The ideal solution however is a truly
independent authority that conducts regulation. In order
for such a thing to exist the media has to give up its own
authority and hand it over to this committee and more importantly
the authority has to deserve that power and truly be close
to other outside influence and also be practical in its
approach. Such an experiment exists in many countries, and
one good example to follow is that of India where 4 experts
from civil society are chosen along with 4 rotating serving
editors, all headed by a retired Supreme Court Chief Justice.
This committee is armed by an agreed code by the industry
and has authority in fact to fine and also recommend suspension
and closure to the government. In order for this to happen
in Pakistan three things need to happen. One, all the channels
will need to agree on a code. Two, the channels will need
to agree on the committee and structure of the independent
authority as well as the names who will be its executive
body. Three they will need to give that authority the capacity
to take punitive measures. Three the government will have
to back off from its demand of government regulation and
will need to give space for independent regulation to work.
Recently GEO has addressed the first two requirements. One,
through Geo Asool it has given a potential blue print for
the industry to use as a basic draft code. Two, recently
GEO has sent to PBA a recommendation structure for the independent
regulation modeled on the successful Indian model (see
However lack of unity due to government interference and
support has not allowed the association to move forward
as fast as it can. It is predicted that GEO and like minded
organization will allow for progress to take place now.
9. What are the three most important GEO Asool
if you had to choose?
a. no allegation aired without point of view of the alleged
or his or her representatives
b. no presenting opinions as facts
c. no enticing or condoning violence in any shape or form
d. All anchors and hosts will submit ideas for programs
that will include topic, guests and questions that they
would be covering in the future programs so Editorial Committee
(EC) can give PRE Feedback and post feedback to the hosts
and producers of the show using GEO Asool. Baisic idea is
that no single shots without checks and balances. A reporter
must discuss idea with an editor, a copy editor must discuss
with copy desk head, an anchor and producer must discuss
with EC.
10. How do I give feedback on GEO Asool documents?
a. Please give your feedback before 1st August, 2012.
11. After 14th August what feedback mechanism
will exist to keep you on the path of GEO Asool?
a. A Complaint section will be created on the Geo Asool
website post 14th August, 2012 where feedback can be provided
on the code and for any violations.
12. What are the biggest challenges to freedom
of speech and editorial independence in Pakistan?
a. Media is the fourth and critical estate in any democracy.
In Pakistan, Parliament has been crippled by the establishment
and lack of cycles afforded to it. The judiciary and the
media are the only pillars that are helping make the other
pillars stronger in the long run. However there is always
a status quo power stakeholders who will be afraid of change
and do not want their ways and their past to be exposed.
Some of them may even be in the opposition, establishment
and judiciary and not just the government. Granted that
media and judiciary need to improve and have an element
of watchdogs and regulation and pressures to self-cleanse
but the bigger risks comes from those status quo agents
who want to prevent exposure and change and information
to be available to the public. In this scenario protecting
media's independence, even from its hosts, owners, and especially
from government, becomes critical.
When we discuss media we at times forget to talk about the
most important areas that are affecting freedom of speech
in Pakistan:
1) Government Advertisement- Government is the largest
single advertiser of Pakistan. However there is no real
audit done on how government is spending its advertising
and on what merit. Independent analysts estimate that
more than 50% of the government advertisement budget is
used to buy influence of media and keep it under severe
pressure or goes to corruption. Geo in fact gets 35-40%
of every advertising rupee share that is spent from all
commercial clients. However the Government gives less
than 1% of its advertising budget. These anomaly exists
to a great extent. For example there is some data that
shows that small city channel which gets less than 0.5%
of advertising of the commercial market but gets 5% Government
advertising. There is one channel that gets 4 crore a
month from Government advertising, which makes up almost
50% of its overall advertising- this is an amazing % and
nowhere in the world does Government make up such a big
figure. How can that channel ask the Government right
questions on behalf of public when 50% of its revenue
comes the Government.
The alarming thing is that not only government advertisement
is not audited properly nor is there an independent committee
that oversees it, but there are no rules in existence
for TV advertising. Existing Government Advertisement
needs to be audited and we need to expose who is getting
extra share and why? A new and improved Government advertising
law needs to be created and implemented that includes
an independent commission that oversees it to ensure that
freedom of speech is not being influenced.
2) PEMRA, so called media regulator, is also used as a
tool by Government against freedom of speech. Cable Operators
are kept under pressure by PEMRA and their equipment is
confiscated and or license nor renewed or they are threatened
to be turned off. PEMRA also encourages cable operators
to air illegal channels and lets them air illegal advertising
on them and then uses that as leverage against the cable
operators. This forces cable operators to follow all verbal
directions of PEMRA to stop or shuffle channels at the
back of the spectrum so no one can see the channel or
program that is exposing the Government. PEMRA needs to
be headed by an independent person, that is not part of
the Government. It should be like the NAB and or Election
Commission as right to be informed is a basic right and
it is too risky to let the Government interfere in that
right and no government will be able to resist the temptation
not to do so for its own interests and prolonging its
rule. PEMRA should also be forced to have quarterly audit
by an independent commission made of professionals from
civil society that are free from government selection
and that can verify that PEMRA rules are not selectively
being implemented to help the government influence and
muzzle the press.
3) Freedom of Information Act - Though investigation journalism
has increased in Pakistan in the past 10 years since private
electronic media, still too much of what is known as investigative
journalism is actually a collection of leaks to the media
by different institutions. Before it was usually just
the establishment who was leaking but now there almost
all institutions and the private sector is leaking information
to the media. However most leaks have an agenda and in
order to do increase independent investigative journalism
freedom of information act will have to be implemented.
This act will allow journalism's contribution to exponentially
improve. Cost of investigative journalism will also decrease
and competition will increase and at the same time the
threat of being exposed will increase for everyone. This
is imperative for our society. Pakistan does have a Freedom
of Information Act but its ranked as one of the poorest
and India's is ranked one of the highest (better than
USA). And also the infrastructure required to process
the act (manpower and independent audit board that oversees
and monitors it is also missing, in India for example
each ministry has a Freedom of Information Act Desk).
4) Secret Funds- all secret funds to do with media need
to be abolished even if they are part of establishment
or government- especially the information ministry.
13. How does GEO manage its commercial interests
against GEO Asool?
a. Our finance department has often claimed that GEO Network
and Jang Group has lost over 6 billion rupees trying to
protect our Asool ( Cost of Geo Asool). However we believe that this 'cost' or
'loss' is actually an investment. One analogy and comparison
can be made to paying taxes. Paying taxes for us, as well
as taking loss for our Asool, is an insurance policy and
investment and not just a civic duty. If we pay our taxes,
we can be free from government pressures when we are printing
or airing the truth about their performance. Due to this
viewers and readers tend to trust and stick to our brand
and this helps us increase our revenue and market share.
Paying taxes is a way to increase our marketshare. Similarly
when governments hurts our channels by taking them off air,
or takes away government advertising (as all have done in
the past), the public puts more faith in us. Yes greed or
making money are important for survival as well as for growth.
However in the long run, sticking to GEO Asool is a more
long term greedy approach.
What People Say |
Memon (Leader, PPP) |
my view a code of conduct is imperative for showing content
to the general public; what they have and what will be
its impact. |
Riaz (Opposition Leader, Punjab Assembly) |
is a good step. When GEO will practice it other media
groups will certainly learn a lesson and they will also
try to apply it. |
Khawar Hayat (Member PML-Q) |
practices as it says, ‘GEO Tou Aisay!’. I
appreciate it. |
Arshad (MPA, PML-N) |
effort will bring improvement in journalism and transparency
will prevail because everything follows principles. |
(Paliamentary Leader, PML-Q |
is a good endeavour and need of the moment. GEO has taken
the right step forward. |
Nazeer Naji (Columnist &
Analyst) |
was a long-awaited need. It is a good initiative by GEO.
GEO is the founder and it is the duty of big institutions
to show the way. I appreciate you all because you fulfilled
this need. |
Sharif (Chief Minister, Punjab) |
appreciate GEO for creating this “Asool” and
thank GEO and its members for adopting a unique idea which
is worth commendable. It is an important and positive
step and I hope more people will come forward. |
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